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Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee; Estuarine and Delta Systems (EDS), meer
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A1 publicaties (42) [show] |
Vissers, C.; Lindell, S.R.; Nuzhdin, S.V.; Almada, A.A.; Timmermans, K. (2024). Using sporeless sporophytes as a next step towards upscaling offshore kelp cultivation. J. Appl. Phycol. 36: 313-320., meer
Derksen, G.C.H.; Blommaert, L.; Bastiaens, L.; Hasserbetçi, C.; Fremouw, R.; van Groenigen, J.; Twijnstra, R.H.; Timmermans, K.R. (2023). ATR-FTIR spectroscopy combined with multivariate analysis as a rapid tool to infer the biochemical composition of Ulva laetevirens (Chlorophyta). Front. Mar. Sci. 10: 1154461., meer
Jansen, H.M.; van der Burg, S.W.K.; van Duren, L.A.; Kamermans, P.; Poelman, M.; Steins, N.A.; Timmermans, K.R. (2023). Food for thought: A realistic perspective on the potential for offshore aquaculture in the Dutch North Sea. J. Sea Res. 191: 102323., meer
Biggs, T.E.G.; Rozema, P.D.; Evans, C.; Timmermans, K.R.; Meredith, M.P.; Pond, D.W.; Brussaard, C.P.D. (2022). Control of Antarctic phytoplankton community composition and standing stock by light availability. Polar Biol. 45(11): 1635-1653., meer
Coleman, B.; Van Poucke, C.; De Witte, B.; Ruttens, A.; Moerdijk-Poortvliet, T.C.W.; Latsos, C.; De Reu, K.; Blommaert, L.; Duquenne, B.; Timmermans, K.; van Houcke, J.; Muylaert, K.; Robbens, J. (2022). Potential of microalgae as flavoring agents for plant-based seafood alternatives. Future Foods 5: 100139., meer
Ebbing, A.P.J.; Fivash, G.S.; Pierik, R.; Bouma, T.J.; Kromkamp, J.; Timmermans, K. (2022). The SeaCoRe system for large scale kelp aquaculture: a plug-and-play, compatible, open-source system for the propagation and transport of clonal gametophyte cultures. J. Appl. Phycol. 34: 517-527., meer
Jiang, L,; Blommaert, L.; Jansen, H.M.; Broch, O.J.; Timmermans, K.R.; Soetaert, K. (2022). Carrying capacity of Saccharina latissima cultivation in a Dutch coastal bay: a modelling assessment. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 79(3): 709-721., meer
Jiang, L.; Jansen, H.M.; Broch, O.J.; Timmermans, K.R.; Soetaert, K. (2022). Modelling spatial variability of cultivated Saccharina latissima in a Dutch coastal bay shows benefits of co-cultivation with shellfish. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 79(8): 2324-2335., meer
Latsos, C.; Wassenaar, E.; Moerdijk, T.; Coleman, B.; Robbens, J.; van Roy, S.; Bastiaens, L.; van Houcke, J.; Timmermans, K.R. (2022). Effect of pH on Rhodomonas salina growth, biochemical composition, and taste, produced in semi-large scale under sunlight conditions. J. Appl. Phycol. 34(3): 1215-1226., meer
Moerdijk-Poortvliet, T.C.W.; de Jong, D.L.C.; Fremouw, R.; de Reu, S.; de Winter, J.M.; Timmermans, K.; Mol, G.; Reuter, N.; Derksen, G.C.H. (2022). Extraction and analysis of free amino acids and 5′-nucleotides, the key contributors to the umami taste of seaweed. Food Chemistry 370: 131352., meer
van Groenigen, J.; Derksen, G.C.H.; Timmermans, K. (2022). Review of presence, induction and isolation of major cellular constituents from Porphyra Sensu Lato (Rhodophyceae), including Mycosporine-Like Amino Acids (MAA's). AAPS Journal 4(1)., meer
Ye, Naihao; Han, Wentao; Toseland, Andrew; Wang, Yitao; Fan, Xiao; Xu, Dong; van Oosterhout, Cock; Aslam, Shazia N.; Barry, Kerrie; Beszteri, Bank; Brussaard, Corina; Clum, Alicia; Copeland, Alex; Daum, Chris; Duncan, Anthony; Eloe-Fadrosh, Emiley; Fong, Allison; Foster, Brian; Foster, Bryce; Ginzburg, Michael; Huntemann, Marcel; Ivanova, Natalia N.; Kyrpides, Nikos C.; Martin, Kara; Moulton, Vincent; Mukherjee, Supratim; Palaniappan, Krishnaveni; Reddy, T. B. K.; Roux, Simon; Schmidt, Katrin; Strauss, Jan; Timmermans, Klaas; Tringe, Susannah G.; Underwood, Graham J. C.; Valentin, Klaus U.; van de Poll, Willem H.; Varghese, Neha; Grigoriev, Igor V.; Tagliabue, Alessandro; Zhang, Jian; Zhang, Yan; Ma, Jian; Qiu, Huan; Li, Youxun; Zhang, Xiaowen; Mock, Thomas; Sea of Change Consortium (2022). The role of zinc in the adaptive evolution of polar phytoplankton. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6(7): 965-978., meer
de Jong, D.L.C.; Timmermans, K.R.; de Winter, J.M.; Derksen, G.C.H. (2021). Effects of nutrient availability and light intensity on the sterol content of Saccharina latissima (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae). J. Appl. Phycol. 33: 1101-1113., meer
Ebbing, A.P.J.; Pierik, R.; Fivash, G.S.; van de Loosdrecht, N.C.J.; Bouma, T.J.; Kromkamp, J.C.; Timmermans, K. (2021). The role of seasonality in reproduction of multiannual delayed gametophytes of Saccharina latissima. J. Phycol. 57(5): 1580-1589., meer
Ebbing, A.P.J.; Fivash, G.S.; Bellido Martin, N.; Pierik, R.; Bouma, T.J.; Kromkamp, J.C.; Timmermans, K.R. (2021). In-culture selection and the potential effects of changing sex ratios on the reproductive success of multiannual delayed gametophytes of Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 9(11): 1250., meer
Latsos, C.; Bakratsas, G.; Moerdijk, T.; van Houcke, J.; Timmermans, K.R. (2021). Effect of salinity and pH on growth, phycoerythrin, and non-volatile umami taste active compound concentration of Rhodomonas salina using a D-optimal design approach. J. Appl. Phycol. 33: 3591-3602., meer
Latsos, C.; van Houcke, J.; Blommaert, L.; Verbeeke, G.P.; Kromkamp, J.; Timmermans, K.R. (2021). Effect of light quality and quantity on productivity and phycoerythrin concentration in the cryptophyte Rhodomonas sp. J. Appl. Phycol. 33(2): 729-741., meer
Martin, K.; Schmidt, K.; Toseland, A.; Boulton, C.A.; Barry, K.; Beszteri, B.; Brussaard, C.P.D.; Clum, A.; Daum, C.G.; Eloe-Fadrosh, E.; Fong, A.; Foster, B.; Foster, B.; Ginzburg, M.; Huntemann, M.; Ivanova, N.N.; Kyrpides, N.C.; Lindquist, E.; Mukherjee, S.; Palaniappan, K.; Reddy, T.B.K.; Rizkallah, M.R.; Roux, S.; Timmermans, K.; Tringe, S.G.; van de Poll, W.H.; Varghese, N.; Valentin, K.U.; Lenton, T.M.; Grigoriev, I.V.; Leggett, R.M.; Moulton, V.; Mock, T. (2021). The biogeographic differentiation of algal microbiomes in the upper ocean from pole to pole. Nature Comm. 12(1)., meer
Zhu, G.; Ebbing, A.; Bouma, T.J.; Timmermans, K.R. (2021). Morphological and physiological plasticity of Saccharina latissima (Phaeophyceae) in response to different hydrodynamic conditions and nutrient availability. J. Appl. Phycol. 33(4): 2471-2483., meer
- Zhu, Q.; Zhu, Z.; Nauta, R.; Timmermans, K.R.; Jiang, L.; Cai, Y.; Yang, Z.; Gerkema, T. (2021). Impact of off-bottom seaweed cultivation on turbulent variation in the hydrodynamic environment: A flume experiment study with mimic and natural Saccharina latissima thalli. Sci. Total Environ. 797: 149048., meer
de Smit, J.; Kleinhans, M.G.; Gerkema, T.; Timmermans, K.R.; Bouma, T.J. (2020). Introducing the TiDyWAVE field flume: A method to quantify natural ecosystem resilience against future storm waves. Limnol. Oceanogr., Methods 18(10): 585-598., meer
Ebbing, A.; Pierik, R.; Bouma, T.J.; Kromkamp, J.C.; Timmermans, K. (2020). How light and biomass density influence the reproduction of delayed Saccharina latissima gametophytes (Phaeophyceae). J. Phycol. 56(3): 709-718., meer
Latsos, C.; van Houcke, J.; Timmermans, K.R. (2020). The Effect of Nitrogen Starvation on Biomass Yield and Biochemical Constituents of Rhodomonas sp. Front. Mar. Sci. 7: 900., meer
Lubsch, A.; Timmermans, K.R. (2020). Phosphate and nitrate uptake dynamics in Palmaria palmata (Rhodophyceae): Ecological and physiological aspects of nutrient availability. J. Phycol. 56(5): 1184-1195., meer
Patyshakuliyeva, A.; Falkoski, D.; Wiebenga, A.; Timmermans, K.; de Vries, R.P. (2020). Macroalgae derived fungi have high abilities to degrade algal polymers. Microorganisms 8(1): 52., meer
Wijers, T.; Hylkema, A.; Visser, T.; Timmermans, K. (2020). Effects of preservation on protein extraction in four seaweed species. J. Appl. Phycol. 32: 3401-3409., meer
Bertolini, C.; Capelle, J.; Timmermans, K.; Bouma, T.J.; van de Koppel, J. (2019). Timing it right: Non-consumptive effects on prey recruitment magnify overtime. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 513: 47-54., meer
Mortelmans, J.; Deneudt, K.; Cattrijsse, A.; Beauchard, O.; Daveloose, I.; Vyverman, W.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Timmermans, K.; Peene, J.; Roose, P.; Knockaert, M.; Chou, L.; Sanders, R.; Stinchcombe, M.; Kimpe, P.; Lammens, S.; Theetaert, H.; Gkritzalis, T.; Hernandez, F.; Mees, J. (2019). Nutrient, pigment, suspended matter and turbidity measurements in the Belgian part of the North Sea. Scientific Data 6(1): 22., meer
Timmermans, K.R.; Lubsch, A. (2019). Uptake kinetics and storage capacity of dissolved inorganic phosphorus and corresponding dissolved inorganic nitrate uptake in Saccharina latissima and Laminaria digitata (Phaeophyceae). J. Phycol. 55(3): 637-650., meer
Lubsch, A.; Timmermans, K. (2018). Uptake kinetics and storage capacity of dissolved inorganic phosphorus and corresponding N:P dynamics in Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta). J. Phycol. 54(2): 215-223. , meer
Luttikhuizen, P.C.; van den Heuvel, F.H.M.; Rebours, C.; Witte, H.J.; van Bleijswijk, J.D.L.; Timmermans, K. (2018). Strong population structure but no equilibrium yet: Genetic connectivity and phylogeography in the kelp Saccharina latissima (Laminariales, Phaeophyta). Ecol. Evol. 8(8): 4265-4277., meer
van der Molen, J.; Ruardij, P.; Mooney, K.; Kerrison, P.; O'Connor, N.E.; Gorman, E.; Timmermans, K.; Wright, S.; Kelly, M.; Hughes, A.D.; Capuzzo (2018). Modelling potential production of macroalgae farms in UK and Dutch coastal waters. Biogeosciences 15(4): 1123-1147., meer
- Fernand, F.; Israel, A.; Skjermo, J.; Wichard, T.; Timmermans, K. (2017). Offshore macroalgae biomass for bioenergy production: Environmental aspects, technological achievements and challenges. Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev. 75: 35-45., meer
- Lubsch, A.; Timmermans, K. (2017). Texture analysis of Laminaria digitata (Phaeophyceae) thallus reveals trade-off between tissue tensile strength and toughness along lamina. Bot. Mar. 60(2)., meer
- Gerringa, L.J.A.; Rijkenberg, M.J.A.; Laan, P. ; Timmermans, K.R. (2015). Cycles in the ocean. Mar. Chem. 177(Part 3): 409-410., meer
Gledhill, M.; Gerringa, L.J.A.; Laan, P.; Timmermans, K.R. (2015). Heme b quotas are low in Southern Ocean phytoplankton. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 532: 29-40., meer
Peperzak, L.; van der Woerd, H.J.; Timmermans, K.R. (2015). Disparities between in situ and optically derived carbon biomassand growth rates of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis globosa. Biogeosciences 12: 1659-1670., meer
- Maat, D.S.; Crawfurd, K.J.; Timmermans, K.R.; Brussaard, C.P.D. (2014). Elevated CO2 and Phosphate Limitation Favor Micromonas pusilla through Stimulated Growth and Reduced Viral Impact. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 80(10): 3119-3127., meer
van de Poll, W.H.; Kulk, G.; Timmermans, K.R.; Brussaard, C.P.D.; van der Woerd, H.J.; Kehoe, M.J.; Mojica, K.D.A.; Visser, R.J.W.; Rozema, P.D.; Buma, A.G.J. (2013). Phytoplankton chlorophyll a biomass, composition, and productivity along a temperature and stratification gradient in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Biogeosciences 10(6): 4227-4240., meer
- Hoogstraten, A.; Timmermans, K.R.; de Baar, H.J.W. (2012). Morphological and Physiological Effects in Proboscia Alata (Bacillariophyceae)Grown under Different Light and CO2 Conditions of the Modern Southern Ocean. J. Phycol. 48(3): 559-568., meer
Hoogstraten, A.; Peters, M.; Timmermans, K.R.; de Baar, H.J.W. (2012). Combined effects of inorganic carbon and light on Phaeocystis globosa Scherffel (Prymnesiophyceae). Biogeosciences 9(5): 1885-1896., meer
Peperzak, L.; Timmermans, K.R.; Wernand, M.R.; Oosterhuis, S.; van der Woerd, H.J. (2011). A mesocosm tool to optically study phytoplankton dynamics. Limnol. Oceanogr., Methods 9: 232-244., meer
Boekhoofdstuk [show] |
- Timmermans, K.R.; Brinkhuis, H. (2014). Zeewier, in: Het beste idee van 2014. pp. 69-71, meer
Thesis (co-)promotor (4) [show] |
Thesis begeleider (2) [show] |
- Mellink, Y. (2020). Developing a Protection Level Index (PLI) for Protected Areas. Thesis. NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research: Yerseke. 76 pp., meer
- Wisse, T. (2020). Biochemische samenstellingen van wieren in kaar brengen met behulp van een FTIR. Thesis. NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research: Yerseke. 92 pp., meer