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Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee; Ocean Sciences (OCS), meer
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Publicaties (18) |
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A1 publicaties (16) [show] |
Barbero-Palacios, L.; Barrio, I.C.; García Criado, M.; Kater, I.; Petit Bon, M.; Kolari, T.H.M.; Bjørkås, R.; Trepel, J.; Lundgren, E.; Björnsdóttir, K.; Hwang, B.C.; Bartra-Cabré, L.; Defourneaux, M.; Ramsay, J.; Lameris, T.K.; Leffler, A.J.; Lock, J.G.; Kuoppamaa, M.S.; Kristensen, J.A.; Bjorkman, A.D.; Myers-Smith, I.; Lecomte, N.; Axmacher, J.C.; Gilg, O.; Den Herder, M.; Pagneux, E.P.; Skarin, A.; Sokolova, N.; Windirsch, T.; Wheeler, H.C.; Serrano, E.; Virtanen, T.; Hik, D.S.; Kaarlejärvi, E.; Speed, J.D.M.; Soininen, E.M. (2024). Herbivore diversity effects on Arctic tundra ecosystems: a systematic review. Environmental Evidence 13(1): 6., meer
Boom, M.P.; Yu, H.; Bom, R.; Hegemann, A.; Lindström, A.; Nolet, B.A.; Lameris, T.K. (2024). Migrating shorebird killed by raptor at 3000 m above ground as revealed by high‐resolution tracking. Ecology 105(11): e4437., meer
Zhemchuzhnikov, M.K.; Zhemchuzhnikova, E.A.; Lameris, T.K.; van Bleijswijk, J.D.L.; Golovnyuk, V.V.; ten Horn, J.; Kutcherov, D.; Popovkina, A.B.; Soloviev, M.Y.; Sukhova, M.A.; Witte, H.J.; van Gils, J.A. (2024). Disentangling the diet composition of chicks of Arctic shorebirds provides a new perspective on trophic mismatches. Food Webs 39: e00349., meer
Zhemchuzhnikov, M.K.; Lameris, T.K.; Soloviev, M.Y.; Golovnyuk, V.V.; ten Horn, J.; Kutcherov, D.; Popovkina, A.B.; Sukhova, M.A.; Zhemchuzhnikova, E.A.; van Gils, J.A. (2024). Food web interactions of two breeding Arctic shorebird species, little stint Calidris minuta and red knot Calidris canutus, are shaped by their elevational distribution. Polar Biol. 47(3): 247-261., meer
Boom, M.P.; Lameris, T.K.; Schreven, K.H.T.; Buitendijk, N.H.; Moonen, S.; de Vries, P.P.; Zaynagutdinova, E.M.; Nolet, B.A.; van der Jeugd, H.P.; Eichhorn, G. (2023). Year-round activity levels reveal diurnal foraging constraints in the annual cycle of migratory and non-migratory barnacle geese. Oecologia 202(2): 287-298., meer
Boom, M.P.; Schreven, K.H.T.; Buitendijk, N.H.; Moonen, S.; Nolet, B.A.; Eichhorn, G.; van der Jeugd, H.P.; Lameris, T.K. (2023). Earlier springs increase goose breeding propensity and nesting success at Arctic but not at temperate latitudes. J. Anim. Ecol. 92(12): 2399-2411., meer
Kölzsch, A.; Lameris, T.K.; Müskens, G.J.D.M.; Schreven, K.H.T.; Buitendijk, N.H.; Kruckenberg, H.; Moonen, S.; Heinicke, T.; Cao, L.; Madsen, J.; Wikelski, M.; Nolet, B.A. (2023). Wild goose chase: Geese flee high and far, and with aftereffects from New Year's fireworks. Conserv. Lett. 16(1): e12927., meer
Caliendo, V.; Lewis, N. S.; Pohlmann, A.; Baillie, S. R.; Banyard, A. C.; Beer, M.; Brown, I. H.; Fouchier, R. A. M.; Hansen, R. D. E.; Lameris, T. K.; Lang, A. S.; Laurendeau, S.; Lung, O.; Robertson, G.; van der Jeugd, H.; Alkie, T. N.; Thorup, K.; van Toor, M. L.; Waldenström, J.; Yason, C.; Kuiken, T.; Berhane, Y. (2022). Transatlantic spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 by wild birds from Europe to North America in 2021. NPG Scientific Reports 12: 11729., meer
Lameris, T.K.; Pokrovskaya, O.B.; Kondratyev, A.V.; Anisimov, Y.A.; Buitendijk, N.H.; Glazov, P.M.; van der Jeugd, H.P.; Kampichler, C.; Kruckenberg, H.; Litvin, K.E.; Loshchagina, J.A.; Moonen, S.; Müskens, G.J.D; Nolet, B.A.; Schreven, K.H.T.; Sierdsema, H.; Zaynagutdinova, E.M.; Boom, M.P. (2022). Barnacle geese Branta leucopsis breeding on Novaya Zemlya: current distribution and population size estimated from tracking data. Polar Biol. 46(1): 67-76., meer
Lameris, T.K.; Tomkovich, P.S.; Johnson, J.A.; Morisson, R.I.G.; Tulp, I.; Lisovski, S.; DeCicco, L.; Dementyev, M.; Gill, R.E.; ten Horn, J.; Piersma, T.; Pohlen, Z.; Schekkerman, H.; Soloviev, M.; Syroechkovsky, E.E.; Zhemchuzhnikov, M.K.; van Gils, J.A. (2022). Mismatch‐induced growth reductions in a clade of Arctic‐breeding shorebirds are rarely mitigated by increasing temperatures. Glob. Chang. Biol. 28(3): 829-847., meer
Lameris, T.K.; Dokter, A.M.; van der Jeugd, H.P.; Bouten, W.; Koster, J.; Sand, S.H.H.; Westerduin, C.; Nolet, B.A. (2021). Nocturnal foraging lifts time constraints in winter for migratory geese but hardly speeds up fueling. Behav. Ecol. 32(3): 539-552., meer
Zhemchuzhnikov, M.K.; Versluijs, T.S.L.; Lameris, T.K.; Reneerkens, J.; Both, C.; van Gils, J.A. (2021). Exploring the drivers of variation in trophic mismatches: A systematic review of long‐term avian studies. Ecol. Evol. 11(9): 3710-3725., meer
Fokkema, W.; van der Jeugd, H.P.; Lameris, T.K.; Dokter, A.M.; Ebbinge, B.S.; de Roos, A.M.; Nolet, B.A.; Piersma, T.; Olff, H. (2020). Ontogenetic niche shifts as a driver of seasonal migration. Oecologia 193(2): 285-297., meer
Nolet, B.A.; Schreven, K.H.T.; Boom, M.P.; Lameris, T.K. (2020). Contrasting effects of the onset of spring on reproductive success of Arctic-nesting geese. The Auk 137(1): ukz063., meer
Lameris, T.K.; de Jong; Boom; van der Jeugd; Litvin; Loonen; Nolet, B.A.; Prop, J. (2019). Climate warming may affect the optimal timing of reproduction for migratory geese differently in the low and high Arctic. Oecologia 191(4): 1003-1014., meer
Pot, M.T.; de Koning, S.; Westerduin, C.; de Boer, W.F.; Shariati, M.; Lameris, T.K. (2019). Wintering geese trade-off energetic gains and costs when switching from agricultural to natural habitats. Ardea 107(2): 183., meer
Peer reviewed publicatie [show] |
Lameris, T.K.; Hoekendijk, J.; Aarts, G.; Aarts, A.; Allen, A.M.; Bienfait, L.; Bijleveld, A.I.; Bongers, M.F.; Brasseur, S.; Chan, Y.-C.; de Ferrante, F.; de Gelder, J.; Derksen, H.; Dijkgraaf, L.; Dijkhuis, L.R.; Dijkstra, S.; Elbertsen, G.; Ernsten, R.; Foxen, T.; Gaarenstroom, J.; Gelhausen, A.; van Gils, J.A.; Grosscurt, S.; Grundlehner, A.; Hertlein, M.L.; van Heumen, A.J.P.; Heurman, M.; Huffeldt, N.P.; Hutter, W.H.; Kamstra, Y.J.J.; Keij, F.; van Kempen, S.; Keurntjes, G.; Knap, H.; Loonstra, A.H.J.; Nolet, B.A.; Nuijten, R.J.M.; Mattijssen, D.; Oosterhoff, H.; Paarlberg, N.; Parekh, M.; Pattyn, J.; Polak, C.; Quist, Y.; Ras, S.; Reneerkens, J.; Ruth, S.; van der Schaar, E.; Schroen, G.; Spikman, F.; van Velzen, J.; Voorn, E.; Vos, J.; Wang, D.; Westdijk, W.; Wind, M.; Zhemchuzhnikov, M.K.; van Langevelde, F. (2021). Migratory vertebrates shift migration timing and distributions in a warming Arctic. Animal Migration 8(1): 110-131., meer
Thesis (co-)promotor [show] |