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Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee; Coastal Sciences (COS), meer
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A1 publicaties (14) [show] |
Poiesz, S.; de Vries, A.; Cardoso, J.F.M.F.; Witte, J.IJ.; van der Veer, H.W.; Freitas, V. (2019). A comparison of growth in two juvenile flatfish species in the Dutch Wadden Sea: Searching for a mechanism for summer growth reduction in flatfish nurseries. J. Sea Res. 144: 39-48., meer
- Neves, V.; Silva, D.; Martinho, F.; Antunes, C.; Ramos, S.; Freitas, V. (2018). Assessing the effects of internal and external acoustic tagging methods on European flounder Platichthys flesus. Fish. Res. 206: 202-208., meer
Freitas, V.; Witte, J.IJ.; Tulp, I.; van der Veer, H.W. (2016). Shifts in nursery habitat utilization by 0-group plaice in the western Dutch Wadden Sea. J. Sea Res. 111: 65-75., meer
Cardoso, J.F.M.F.; Freitas, V.; de Paoli, H.; Witte, J.IJ.; van der Veer, H.W. (2016). Growth conditions of 0-group plaice Pleuronectes platessa in the western Wadden Sea as revealed by otolith microstructure analysis. J. Sea Res. 111: 88-96., meer
van der Veer, H.W.; Jung, A.S.; Freitas, V.; Philippart, C.J.; Witte, J.IJ. (2016). Possible causes for growth variability and summer growth reduction in juvenile plaice Pleuronectes platessa L. in the western Dutch Wadden Sea. J. Sea Res. 111: 97-106., meer
Cardoso, J.F.M.F.; Freitas, V.; Quilez, I.; Jouta, J.; Witte, J.IJ.; van der Veer, H.W. (2015). The European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax in the Dutch Wadden Sea: from visitor to resident species. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 95(4): 839-850., meer
- Augustine, S.; Jaspers, C.; Kooijman, S.A.L.M.; Carlotti, F.; Poggiale, J.-C.; Freitas, V.; van der Veer, H.W.; van Walraven, L. (2014). Mechanisms behind the metabolic flexibility of an invasive comb jelly. J. Sea Res. 94: 156-165., meer
Svensson, E.; Freitas, V.; Schouten, S.; Middelburg, J.J.; van der Veer, H.W.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S. (2014). Comparison of the stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic values of gill and white muscle tissue of fish. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 457: 173-179., meer
- Campos, J.; Bio, A.; Freitas, V.; Moreiro, C.; van der Veer, H.W. (2013). Age estimation of brown shrimp Crangon crangon: comparison of two approaches applied to populations at the biogeographic edges. Aquat. Biol. 19: 167–184., meer
- Freitas, V.; Kooijman, S.A.L.M.; van der Veer, H.W. (2012). Latitudinal trends in habitat quality of shallow-water flatfish nurseries. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 471: 203-214., meer
- Freitas, V.; Lika, K.; Witte, J.IJ.; van der Veer, H.W. (2011). Food conditions of the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus in shallow waters: An analysis in the context of Dynamic Energy Budget theory. J. Sea Res. 66(4): 440-446., meer
- Hunsicker, M.E.; Ciannelli, L.; Bailey, K.M.; Buckel, J.A.; White, J.W.; Link, J.S.; Essington, T.E.; Gaichas, S.; Anderson, T.W.; Brodeur, R.D.; Chan, K.S.; Chen, K.; Englund, G.; Frank, K.T.; Freitas, V.; Hixon, M.A.; Hurst, T.; Johnson, D.W.; Kitchell, J.F.; Reese, D.; Rose, G.A.; Sjodin, H.; Sydeman, W.J.; van der Veer, H.W.; Vollset, K.; Zador, S. (2011). Functional responses and scaling in predator-prey interactions of marine fishes: contemporary issues and emerging concepts. Ecol. Lett. 14(12): 1288-1299., meer
- Lika, K.; Kearney, M.R.; Freitas, V.; van der Veer, H.W.; van der Meer, J.; Wijsman, J.W.M.; Pecquerie, L.; Kooijman, S.A.L.M. (2011). The "covariation method" for estimating the parameters of the standard Dynamic Energy Budget model I: Philosophy and approach. J. Sea Res. 66(4): 270-277., meer
- van der Veer, H.W.; Koot, J.; Aarts, G.M; Dekker, R.; Diderich, W.; Freitas, V.; Witte, J.IJ. (2011). Long-term trends in juvenile flatfish indicate a dramatic reduction in nursery function of the Balgzand intertidal, Dutch Wadden Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 434: 143-154., meer
Boekhoofdstuk [show] |
- van der Veer, H.W.; Freitas, V.; Leggett, W.C. (2015). Recruitment level and variability, in: Gibson, R.N. et al. Flatfishes : Biology and Exploitation. Fish and Aquatic Resources Series, 16: pp. 185-206, meer